Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The day I broke my Wrists

The day I broke my wrists was a day I’ll never forget. I was in grade four going on to grade five and summer vacation was in two days. One early school morning, three of my friends and I were discussing our favorite movie, “The Cheetah Girls”, while playing on the swings. Like little grade four’s, we wanted to be one of the characters from The Cheetah Girls. I was “Dorenda”, out of the four of them. But two of my friends Jenny, and Aimee were fighting over one of the Cheetahs, “Chanelle”. My friend Monica decided that it would be fun to have a bumping contest. Bumping means to jump in your swing while swinging, and who ever makes the whole swing rack shake and vibrate wins. Unlucky for me, I was right in the middle between both of them. First, my friend Jenny went to do her bump; her bump wasn’t so strong compared to her little body. Second my friend Aimee, who’s a much bigger girl, did her bump. Sadly I wasn’t paying any attention, I was to caught up singing one of the Cheetah Girls songs; consequently, next second, I flipped out of my swing, my wrists folded and my face smacked the wooden plank surrounding the swings. There was sand in my eyes, nose, and my mouth. I got a bloody nose, and my face was scraped and bloody. I remembered I got blood on my friend’s jacket, and she was freaking out. I just ignored that fact, and went straight to the office with Monica, and Aimee, while Jenny was whining. While I was waiting for my dad to come pick me up, the principle was saying how they weren’t broken, I wish she were right. When my dad came and took me to my mom’s hospital, I had to wait for about an hour for my x-rays. While sitting in the hospital waiting for my results, I was just thinking how my mom would react; she had always been so protective. Finally, the doctor came back, turned out I had two broken wrists. To bad summer vacation was in forty-eight hours.

Second Glance

I picked up this book called Second Glance by the author Jodi Picoult. She is an amazing writer and her books have great story lines. Second Glance is so far about a man named Ross who is a ghost hunter trying to find his dead wife after a terrible accident. I havn't got really far in the book yet, but so far its great. I picked out this book because its about ghosts, and that subject really interests me. Anyways, I'll keep an update.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My favourite word.

confidence or trust in a person or thing"

Some of my favourite quotes!

-Live life like you're going to die today, dream like your going to live forever.

-Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why they call it the present

-The only mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.

sports do not build character, they reveal it.

-Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

These quotes really reached out to me, and every single one meant something different to me.

Commuication over Msn!

Msn is the most popular communicating tool in the 21st century. Yet, it’s the most misunderstood. Chatting over msn can be very complicated towards the person you are talking to. It is very hard for us human beings to understand what exactly is being said, and how it is being said. The fact that we can’t hear or see your body language makes it very difficult for us to fully understand you. Talking on msn was told to be the most easiest way of communicating, I think not. How is it ridiculously easy when you can barely understand the person your talking to? I’ve had msn since grade 4, and it took all those years to finally understand msn is a waste of time and all it leads to are fights, arguments, and confusion. Your most likely to act different on msn then you are in person. When your hiding behind your computer screen where no one can hear or see you, you will tend to put on a different person. People act fake, and they lead you on. If I gave one definition for msn it would be, “ an addicting communicating tool that tends to lead to nothing but trouble.” So to this day I’m still using msn, because I’m officially addicted to something pathetic and absolutely pointless.